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Recenzije naših klijenata
Molto soddisfatto sia dalla barca nuova e super attrezzata sia dalla gentilezza riguardo l'accoglienza e la permanenza nel porto bellissimo di Cannes
Srpnja 2015, Golf Juan, Francuska sa Bavaria 37
Wonderful boat and friendly skipper  
Nice experience, amazing boat. I strongly advice to everybody.
Kolovoza 2015, Murter sa Hanse 495
Charter a Procida  
La barca era in perfette condizioni e l'organizzazione a Procida è stata cortese ed efficiente. Grazie. Luca Rubolino
Kolovoza 2015, Procida sa Oceanis 43.3
Segeln in Süddalmatien  
Tolle Gegend, super essen und ein spitzen Segelrevier. Leider ist das Boot suboptimal durch Großteil Bedienung nur am Baum und wenig Sitzplätze aussen.
Rujna 2015, Dubrovnik sa Bavaria 37
A vela in croazia  
Ottima accoglienza ed grande disponibilità dell'armatore nel dare assistenza logistica a me e al mio equipaggio.
Travnja 2015, Split sa Oceanis 40
Lagoon 39  
Ottima imbarcazione molto vivibile e facile da manovrare sia a motore che a vela. L'armatore è pronto ad approfittare di un tuo errore senza elasticità è stato inflessibile, le parole non valgono nulla vale solo quello scritto sul contratto. Sono rientrato con 1,5 ore di ritardo e mi hanno applicato la penale di 550 euro.
Lipnja 2015, Split sa Lagoon 39
Charter kompanija je dala odgovor na ovu recenziju 18.12.2015

Dear Marenauta team, hello!

I appologise for my late reply but I was in Paris for the boat show and therefore got only now to this.

I will tell you my part of the story and than you can decide wheater to publish this negative and incorrect comment of your client or not.

It was agreed that the clients can return their boat later on Saturday than usual - at 10 AM instead of 8.30.

The client returned the boat at NOON!!!!!

They came back into the marina between 11.30 and 11.45 and than came to my office at noon.

First they have claimed that they went to Milna on island Brac and there Mr. Mattioli sliped and fell and had to go to see a doctor and showed me some bruises on his rips - which were a few days old and certainly not fresh.

They kept laying and laying to me, as an excuse why they didn't return their boat in agreed time - I let them do that for a while and than when they were done - i have showed them the exact route they took as we have on our boats trackers and I can check at any time where is my boat and which route he took.

So, I have showed them that they started that morning at 8 AM from Hvar and drove directly to aci marina Split without stoping anywhere...PLEASE CHECK MY PRTSC BELOW

At that moment they shut up and were shocked and started talking to each other - damm'it, we didn't know they can track us. And than they payed.

I had an early check-in scheduled for that boat (means the boat is to be ready for the check in at 1PM)…as you can immagine - since they have arrived at NOON I had to return the money I have charged from the next client for an early check in and had an unsatisfied client and had to deal later with his claim and loose time explaining to an agent why we weren't able to deliver the boat to the client at 1 PM, as agreed.

I have charged the client the amount - according to our chartering conditions - for beeing late up to 3 hours.

Beside that, they didn't - of course - had the full fuel tanks, there were 40 liters missing so we had to loose our precious time on Saturda on that as well - adn I didn't charge them 150 eur penalty for non returning the full fuel tanks - which is also stated in our chartering conditions and on our check IN list.
Ovaj odgovor je osobno mišljenje predstavnika charter kompanije a ne Marenaute.
864 865 866 867 868

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